Breaking Free from Marketing ‘Shoulds’: Finding Your Unique Path to Success
One thing I’ve observed in my two decades working in marketing is that business owners/nonprofit staff tend to either love it, or hate it.
When they love it? They go all in and show up consistently.
And when they don’t? Either not much gets shared or it happens reluctantly (and no-one enjoys doing anything reluctantly!)
Resonate with the latter? You’re certainly not alone, but the reality is that in order to get your services sold or your cause seen and supported, you have to market your work.
So how to do it in a way that feels good for you? Here’s my top three tips.
One: Let go of ‘shoulds’
Despite what messages you hear online, there’s no one right way to market your services/cause/self. (Newsflash: these business owners are simply trying to sell you their way).
You don’t need to post daily, create reels, have a strict email marketing schedule, be on every platform, etc., etc.
The only way you’re going to be consistent with your marketing efforts (which you need to be) is if you do it in your right way.
Unsure what your right way is? Consider:
- What platforms do you enjoy sharing on? (That your dream humans are using too, of course!)
- What content feels easy and energizing to create?
- What feels manageable, realistic and sustainable to create each week?
- What marketing ‘rules’ do you need to let go of?
- Who can support you?
Two: Market ethically
Each and every one of the businesses/nonprofits I support dislike sleazy, manipulative and pushy marketing tactics.
Because of this, many shy away from marketing and selling because they don’t want to ooze that same energy out into the world.
BUT marketing does not have to be sleazy or pushy – it can be ethical, kind and helpful. In fact, these are the foundations that Moxie is built upon and that have supported my success for many years.
Unsure where to start on your ethical marketing journey?
- Notice what you find off-putting (aka when someone sells all the time, is dramatic and makes it seem as if the world will end if you don’t ‘buy now’, makes you feel guilty for not investing, etc.)
- Notice what you find inviting and inspiring
- Consider who/what you last invested in, and why.
(Want a copy of my free guide, Break the Mold: Five Ethical Marketing Practices for Authentic Success? It’s yours! Grab it here.)
Three: Shift your mindset
Many people shy away from marketing because they don’t feel comfortable selling.
To this I say, shift your mindset from selling something, to being of service.
The truth is that people need and will have their lives changed by what you have to offer (for my small business friends)…
Or the cause you’re sharing about will benefit from people’s alliance and support (for my nonprofit friends).
What you have to say is of value and lives/the environment/whatever your cause supports, will be improved by you being of service and sharing and showing up.
While making/raising money is of course important if you want to keep doing your work in the world, what I know is most important to you is having an impact…
If you focus on that intention as you sit down to market and share, I assure you that the process will feel very different.
And there you have it, my three tips for shifting your relationship with marketing, so you can share about your incredible services/cause consistently and in a way that feels enjoyable for you!
And of course, if you’d love a supportive and expert hand to help you create your perfect marketing path, you can explore my services here.